Something I've come across as part of my Tarot studies - the significance of seemingly inanimate objects, handed down. I constantly wear three items of jewellery, two of them given as (new) gifts and the other, a treasured item given to me to wear. Two of them are leather wristbands, one new and the other worn and loved by the giver. The other is a beautiful Celtic Pentagram which I wear on a thin bootlace, given by a dear and great friend. Another item I wear, somewhat less consistently because of its size, is a cross made from three horseshoe nails which Kent bought me when I was about 17 or 18. I lost it once in a countryside courting spot, and was lucky enough to find it again some months later! It's been with me for thirty years now and I treasure it as well.
I think of these things because yesterday, I was given an old and well-loved knitting bag, along with a lovely wooden box of needles, all different sizes and obviously well-used. Well, I know they're well used because I know how prolific a knitter the owner used to be! She has had to give up knitting due to lack of time with caring for her husband, and her changing eyesight.
I felt tearful as she gave me the bag, and honoured to be handed down something which has given her so much enjoyment in a long life. I will treasure the gift as tools of a craft handed from one needlewoman to another, and use them with love and thanks.
So, thank you, Joyce - here's to friendship!
Joyce loves you